PEH Hernia Guide Weight Loss Surgery Experts

PEH Hernia: Paraesophageal Hernia Guide

A PEH hernia, known as a Paraesophageal hernia, is a hernia in the stomach that presents with a bulge (a hernia) in the stomach moving upward into the esophagus. This hernia comes from a defect in the diaphragm caused by the small opening of the diaphragm being obstructed due to a large diaphragm or weak muscle around the diaphragm. In many scenarios, the pressure caused by the misfit diaphragm can produce a small sac to be pushed through the opening and set next to the esophagus. This sac may be a part of the stomach and/or abdominal lining or peritoneum.

PEH Hernias and Esophageal Damage

When this hernia occurs it can cause substantial stomach acid to be released into the chest and cause major esophagus damage to the patient. A paraesophageal hernia can be repaired with a laparoscopic PEH repair in the abdomen of the patient. The professional will insert a tool and a laparoscope so that the movements can be monitored during the surgical procedure. The tool will be used to pull the abdominal area or the stomach back down to where it belongs. The abdominal area will be stitched to the stomach so that it won’t move back up into the same position.

Once the stomach or abdomen has been put back into its proper location the professional will need to make the opening in the diaphragm smaller to keep the problem from happening again. This will mean either stitching the opening or adding a patch to the opening to fill the hole. This will provide you with the best possible option for keeping the problem from happening. If the muscles around the area are weak the professional may try to repair them so that they can hold better. This will all be done in the same procedure in most cases. The process takes several hours and the results can be excellent. Some of the risks of surgery might include blood clotting, infection, and other standard issues that come along with any type of surgical procedure.

Paraesophageal Hernia Without Treatment

If left untreated, a paraesophageal hernia can cause significant damage to a patient. The damage to the esophagus can be substantial over time. In addition, if the stomach is trapped in the esophagus it may die from the lack of blood flow. It can also cause a great deal of difficulty with breathing for the patient and cause moderate to severe chest pain in the patient. You might even find it difficult to swallow after time, all leading to more significant health problems. In many cases, the problem can be solved if dealt with as soon as possible. You might also find that a hernia causes physical challenges such as exercising, physical comfort in sleeping and sitting for long periods of time, and food and liquid consumption might become challenging. It can be challenging to keep food down and can be problematic when it comes to eating foods that require significant digestion such as raw vegetables.

Benefiting from Seeking Treatment

You will find that the faster you seek treatment the more options you will have. The reason for the hernia could be any number of things such as a change to your body due to weight gain, weight loss, or even a change in your exercise plan that has caused severe changes to the way that your body behaves. Taking the time to discuss any unusual symptoms with your physician could lead to early detection and provide you with the help that you need sooner. You don’t want to wait to deal with the problem and find that there has been significant damage done by the PEH hernia that you suffer from.

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